
Multiple Negatives- Print #1

Not a project, but an experiment in sliding two negatives into the enlarger.
Dani and a window.

Self- Print #4- Books

There's just so many

Self- Print #3- Self-Portrait @ 9 Years

Me with a self portrait I drew when I was nine.


Self- Print #2- Glasses

The multiple pairs of glasses are a metaphor for the things people see behind...oh, screw it, I thought it would look cool.

Self- Print #1- Water

I was walking home in the rain and was inspired.


Rule of Thirds- Print #5- Metal Sculpture

A glass and metal wind thing that I got for Christmas last year.


Light- Print #6- Skeleton

A skeleton I found in my closet. I used a desk lamp to throw a shadow onto the wall.

Portrait- Hannah #2- Reprint

Portrait- Adam #1- Reprint

Light- Print #5- Casey

A creeper photo I took of Casey (Marius) at the Les Miserable teaser.

Light- Print #4- Jon

Jon Sharpy strikes a pose.

Light- Print #3- Dani

A shadow of Dani and her cool hat.

Light- Print #2- Kelly

Kelly Lemieux of Goldfinger at the School of Rock.

Light- Print #1- Lamp

An interesting lamp that I had in my bedroom. It made a cool silhouette.


Portrait- Hannah #4

Portrait- Adam #6

What could he be looking at?

Portrait- Adam #5

Don't know what to say about this.

Portrait- Adam #4

Creepy Adam

Portrait- Adam #3

A candid smile.

Portrait- Adam #2

Sad-am :(

Portrait- Adam #1

INTENSE Adam. This print is currently hanging in his lesson room, watching everything that goes on.

Portrait- Adam- Contact Sheet

Adam's contact sheet. I lost half the roll in a winding accident.


Portrait- Hannah #3 (And Sharpy)

While this photo isn't a picture of a single person, Jon's face was so hilarious that I couldn't resist printing it.
Hannah and Jon Sharpy at the School of Rock

Portrait- Hannah #2

Hannah at the School of Rock. Her smile is lovely. :D

Portrait- Hannah #1

Hannah at the Hawthorne Street Food Carts


Portrait- Contact Sheet- Hannah

A full roll of film of my friend Hannah at various locations within the city of Portland. Featuring various food carts, John Sharpy, and some Burgerville fries.


One Thing- Print 4

One Thing Project- Print #4
While this shot isn't specifically of my 'one thing,' it's a shot of the bass case. I have an OK Go sticker on the top and I thought the reflections off the gold lettering would make for an interesting shot.
Original Scan
Scan with brightness and contrast increased and desaturated to remove scanner tone

One Thing- Print 3

One Thing Project- Print #3
Another shot of my bass while hanging. I like the reflections in this one.

Original Scan

Scan with brightness and contrast increased and desaturated to remove scanner tone

One Thing- Print 2

One Thing Project- Print #2
This is one of my favorite shots because of the soft light on the stark background. I hung my bass on a wall hook and took a shot from slightly below the body. The angle and focus on this one are nice; I like small depth of field in photos.
Original Scan
Scan with brightness and contrast increased and desaturated to remove scanner tone

One Thing- Print 1

One Thing Project- First Print
I like this print because of the small depth of field; the sharpness of the headstock and the blurriness of the neck and strings are really nice.

Original Scan
Scan with brightness and contrast increased and desaturated to remove scanner tone

One Thing- Contact Sheet

One Thing Project- Contact Sheet
Assignment: Take 24 pictures of one thing, focusing on the object and keeping the background neutral.
For this assignment I chose my Eastwood Classic 4 bass guitar, one of my most prized possessions and something I think is incredibly beautiful.


Photogram 2

Bottlecaps, peace sign bracelet, crystal.

Photogram 1

Bottlecaps, bird stencils.

Pinhole 4- Bikes- Inverted

Pinhole 4- Bikes

Pinhole camera. Bikes. 5 seconds.

Pinhole 3- The Commons, 2.0- Inverted

Pinhole 3- The Commons, 2.0

Pinhole shot of the Commons. 23 seconds.

Pinhole 2- Inverted

Pinhole 2- The Commons

Pinhole shot of the Commons. 5 seconds.

Pinhole 1- Inverted

Strange reflection on this one. But I like it.